Why are Digital campaigns so boring

I plan to write a longer piece on this, but I needed to rant right now.

Rewind back to 2009, no this isn’t another 10 year challenge, its just the sad truth. In 2009 we had some amazing websites being produced for example :

the winner in 2009 on theFWA.com was We Choose the moon which was A real-time recreation of the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon complete with round the clock audio transmissions and 3d animations representing each step along the way, distances, etc.

The site was engaging, interactive, and lead the user on a journey.

It’s still live.. take a look HERE, remember this is 10 years old now, and think how far we have advanced with other technology such as mobile devices in this time vs website design.

So I am asking myself what went wrong.

Stay tuned for my thougths on this.